Sunday, November 30, 2008



This post is going to be about my friends because I'm like the only one who has not written a post describing their friends.

First Matt: Matt is the friend that i have known the longest i think it is about 12 years i cant remember, Matt is like the biggest Holden supporter on earth and he is into hockey and is a really good friend.

Next Nick: Nick is a good friend and like Matt he also is into hockey and he used to play softball and that is all i know about him.

Next Rachael: Rachael is a good friend, (I know i sound like a broken record) she plays tennis and most of the time most of our friends are at her house to go bowling.

Next is Maddie: Maddie is a great friend she is a great drawer and she likes most of the anime things that i like such as: FMA, (fullmetal alchemist) Death Note etc.

Next Is Jordan: Jordan is an OK friend i guess everybody thinks that he is gay and emo by the way that looks.

Finally Conor: Conor rides to school everyday and has a big dog he is friends with Jordan (i think).

Ta DA these people are the ones i call friends.

Cya later everybody.

Peace Out.

if you read that you must have been really bored or you actually wanted to read it.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My First Post And It Has No Meaning What So Ever.....

Hi everyone this is my blog.

This Post is completely meaningless because not much exiting stuff happens in my life so this is just something that I'm doing out of boredom. Well now that i have got that off my chest now to write something that everyone will actually read ............. um ........... um ........ still nothing so you might as well stop reading.

Wow everyone who kept reading must really be bored or actually wants to read this (which would be a miracle.) I don't even know why I'm writing this . Catfish.......sorry that was random......i've always wondered is such thing as a dog fish i know that there are dog sharks but i dont know about fishes.

(Crickets Chirping) Sorry About that was really ramdom and really stupid.

Nothing to write about.

Oh well that is all I'm gonna write about

See you later everyone

ce Out

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